Các bạn cùng tham khảo những bài viết miêu tả ngôi nhà bằng tiếng Anh dưới đây để biết cách miêu tả về nơi mình ở. Đồng thời qua đây bạn cũng dễ dàng nắm bắt được cách viết cũng như tăng thêm vốn từ vựng cho bản thân, cùng theo dõi những đoạn văn này để có thêm những kiến thức và học tập tốt hơn nhé.

Văn mẫu tả ngôi nhà bằng Tiếng Anh
Bài viết Tả ngôi nhà bằng Tiếng Anh
Tả ngôi nhà bằng Tiếng Anh số 1
In my house I have four rooms, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom and one hall.
My room is next to the living room, in my room I have a desk near the window, I have two beds, I have my computer on the desk, my closet is next to the desk and in the desk I have books. In my room I have pictures of anime.
The room of my sister is next to my room. My sister has a desk under the window, she has a library next to the desk, her bed is far from the window and her closet is next to the bed.
The room of my parents is next to my sister's room. My parents have in their room a big bed, they have two little tables, their closet is behind the windows.
The living room is next to my room, in the living room we have two sofas and an armchair, we have a little table, we have a TV and a DVD, we have some music discs and a DVD player.
The kitchen is next to my parent's room. In the kitchen we have a TV, one fridge, one cooker and a big table.
The bathroom is far from the kitchen. In the bathroom we have a toilet, a shower and a sink.
Tả ngôi nhà bằng Tiếng Anh số 2
Home is place where we stay with our families and live safely. The saying 'East or West, home is the best' is true in many ways. The home or house gives us affection and security. For me my house is a best place for me in the world, where I stay with my mother, father, and two brothers.
We all live in a three-room flat on the ground floor. It is in a big and colony of the city. There is a large drawing-cum-dining hall, two bed rooms, kitchen and toilets. There is also a big veranda. My father took this home ten years ago when I was just four-year-old. It is large enough for all of us. We are just five persons in the family.
My house is built of bricks, iron, tiles and marbles. It has all the modern amenities of life. The bath room is also very large, airy and tiled. It has a shower. The floor of my house is fully marbled. The kitchen of my house is large and comfortable. It is near the living room. One of its door opens in a balcony. From there we have a beautiful view of a park and a playground which is inside our camps.
The drawing and dining rooms are tastefully decorated. The floor is covered with a thick woolen carpet, there are two big and beautiful paintings on the wall. We own a color TV set and a D.V.D. the dining table is circular in shape with thick glass covering it. The dining chairs are high and very comfortable. We also have a sofa set, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a computer.
In balcony there are a number of flower plants grown in big earthen pots. They include roses, jasmine, pagoda tree, chameli, tulsi, money plant, etc. they add to the beauty and grace of our house. We have 5 fans, air pressure fan and an air cooler. All these things make my house a beautiful and very nice place to live in.
My home is the most important place in my life. I feel fully safe and secure in my home. When I return from school I feel great comfort at my house. I love my sweet home...